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Email ID Declaration - Summary of Objections

2005-05-23 09:21:47
At 02:54 PM 5/22/2005 -0700, David MacQuigg wrote:

I think I have a good understanding now of the objections to a universal ID declaration. I will post a summary shortly, and ask for clarifications. When we have "consensus" at least that the statements are complete and represent the different points of view fairly, then I will submit the draft to the IETF.

I've posted the summary at <http://purl.net/macquigg/email/IETF/authent-declare-objections.htm>http://purl.net/macquigg/email/IETF/authent-declare-objections.htm The statements of the objections are brief, and I hope accurate. I will appreciate any suggestions for better wording or addition of any objections I might have missed. Also if there is anything I should correct in my responses, please let me know. If we can't agree on my response, we can add a statement following the response. I would like this document to be complete enough that the IESG can understand the issues without wading though pages of mailing list discussion.

There is also an update of the draft at http://purl.net/macquigg/email/ - draft-macquigg-authent-declare-00 Changes are highlighted in yellow, at least in the htm and rtf versions.

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* David MacQuigg, PhD     email: david_macquigg at yahoo.com     *  *
* IC Design Engineer            phone:  USA 520-721-4583      *  *  *
* Analog Design Methodologies                                 *  *  *
*                                 9320 East Mikelyn Lane       * * *
* VRS Consulting, P.C.            Tucson, Arizona 85710          *
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