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Re: "/" inside an exists: domain-spec?

2005-07-18 11:27:17
Scott Kitterman wrote:

Hi Scott, your tool still hates mx::%%%_/.claranet.de/27 ;-)

It will parse that now.

LOL, maybe we need two SPF validators, "expert mode" for the
weird constructs, and "simple mode" for the real SPF records.

BTW, it does accept mx:invalid but that's _really_ invalid:

   domain-spec      = macro-string domain-end
   domain-end       = ( "." toplabel ) / macro-expand

There's no dot in invalid, and it's no <macro-expand>.  For a
minimally "valid" invalid I'd need mx:.invalid with a dot.

It also says "semantically valid" instead of "syntactically":

For a semantical test I'd expect a warning for mx:test.invalid
(or similar), because "host" test.invalid does not have any MX.

                             Bye, Frank