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Re: Sender ID (was Re: [spf-discuss] nobody @ xyzzy)

2006-02-22 13:05:27

On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, John Kelly wrote:

David, thanks for distilling the debate into a readable mail.

When I sense Microsoft hysteria, and there's much of it on this list,
I quit reading.  I don't have time to help people with their emotional
problems.  I have enough of my own.  :-)

Yes, one of those seems to be great dislike of spam, which many of people
on this list probably share :) But I sense that you're seeing that SPF, SID, DK are magic bullet to spam problem, which they are not and as has
been noted spammers use these technologies too for their domain records.

What you need to understand is that SPF is solution to RFC2821 forgery issues allowing those who participate to protect their own identity
and its use in SMTP.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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