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Re: Sender ID (was Re: [spf-discuss] nobody @ xyzzy)

2006-02-22 16:54:49
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 18:42 -0500, Scott Kitterman <spf2(_at_)kitterman(_dot_)com>

If you can you explain why problem 2 is so bad, in language a dummy
can understand, maybe I will see the light.

Ironically your original post to the list complaining Frank's message 
failed SID tests based on unintended use of his SPF record for SID is an 
excellent example of why it is bad.

I looked at the message headers, but I don't understand how the
failure abused his SPF record.  I wear so many hats, I don't have time
to analyze and understand it in detail, right now.

But if you want to further explain it, you have my attention.

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