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Re: Sender ID (was Re: [spf-discuss] nobody @ xyzzy)

2006-02-22 18:06:35
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 19:26:09 -0500, Scott Kitterman
<spf2(_at_)kitterman(_dot_)com> wrote:

What you did NOT find in that message was a Sender header field.  If it had 
had something like Sender: spf-help(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com, then SID 
would have used 
that instead of Frank's From: and all would be well.  The problem with this 
approach is that there is no RFC that mandates the Sender be there in this 
instance (there is a MAY, but no MUST), so at this point, Listbox has done 
nothing wrong.  Frank has done nothing wrong.

Technically I understand what you are saying, and I understand the
difference between MAY vs. MUST.

RFCs are nice and all, but the world needs more than RFCs to operate
smoothly.  Pragmatism is needed, and it seems to me that any pragmatic
list manager who cares about getting the mail thru can do some extra
work, change his configuration, and start adding the headers necessary
to make his list SID compliant, even though the RFC does not say he
MUST do it.

Now people will argue over this.  Some see this as legitimate reuse, some see 
it as abuse.  That's why I said reuse/abuse in my message.  To my point of 
view, any scheme like this which is opt-out is an abusive situation.  

You call it opt-out like it's some kind of spam scheme.  It's only a
burden to mail admins, not their end users.  Mail admins need to stop
griping and get with it.

Hope that helps,

I'm not convinced there are sound technical reasons for objecting to
SID, and I don't see how the fear of Microsoft is justified.

Even if they pull some dirty patent trick in the future, people can
vote with their feet and walk away from it.  There are enough options
and alternative methods of spam prevention, that Microsoft's will
never be a must have.

I think validating headers is a good idea.  Too bad Microsoft grabbed
it first.

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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