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[spf-discuss] Re: Contact page requests going to SPF-discuss

2006-06-25 15:45:03
"Julian" == Julian Mehnle
"Re: Contact page requests going to SPF-discuss"
 Sun, 25 Jun 2006 20:30:52 +0000

    Julian> What about this?

    Julian>   "This issue [ may / may not ] be discussed publicly by
    Julian>   project staff with identifying information (e-mail
    Julian>   addresses, domains, etc.) included.  Note that public
    Julian>   messages that are of general interest may be forwarded
    Julian>   to any of the project's mailing lists."

Omit unnecessary words.

"This issue [ may / may not ] be discussed publicly with identifying
information (e-mail addresses, domains, etc.) included.  Note that
public messages that are of general interest may be forwarded to any
of the project's mailing lists."


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