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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Which SPF implementation to choose?

2006-08-24 09:10:57
> It should be either fully commercial OR fully opensource. Thats why I
> would like to see small notes on your website which solution uses
> which library.

Due to the very nature of closed-source commercial software it's difficult
to tell what library it uses if it is linked statically.

If anyone has reliable information about commercial products using open SPF
libraries, please submit it here.  We can then add it to the website (for
better or worse).

Hi Julian,

thank you very much for all your efforts. I made some research and
found in the developer list archive emails from a briana(_at_)gfi and
jeremyp(_at_)gfi which both mention that they use LIBSPF of James Couzens.
Probably he can confirm that. Unfortunatly this renders that solution
for my requirements useless. :-(

Currently I am testing the Python Solution and Aloaha. Aloaha
confirmed they use their own developed SPF library which does not
contain a single line of open source libs. Both Solutions seem to be
very promising.

Next I would like to evaluate Read Earth Software and Sunbelt. Does
somebody has any information which libs they are using?

Kind Regards

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