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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Which SPF implementation to choose?

2006-08-22 09:31:39
As far as I know, none of the Windows/IIS/Exchange solutions are based on
libspf or libspf2, they all use proprietary SPF implementations (which
needn't be a bad thing).

Of course a proprietary implementation doesnt mean its a bad thing. In
fact I am afraid that I purchase a commercial solution which uses a
opensource/GNU library. I would not like it if a company makes profit
out of the hard work of the volunteers here. Somewhere in your list
archive I read for example that GFI purchased a solution which used
libspf. Such a solution would then no solution for me.

It should be either fully commercial OR fully opensource. Thats why I
would like to see small notes on your website which solution uses
which library.

The other Windows/IIS/Exchange solutions, "Policy Patrol Spam Filter",
"MailEssentials", "Sunbelt Messaging Ninja", are all commercial products.
Depending on your other mail filtering needs, it may be worth buying one
of them.

Here again I would have to problem that I do not know if they use
their own implementation or open source stuff.


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