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RE: [spf-discuss] Implicit MX (was: Another test case for the test suite...)

2007-01-14 10:39:00
Frank Ellermann wrote on Saturday, January 13, 2007 10:42 PM -0600:

Seth Goodman wrote:

It looks like there would be both confusion and unintended
consequences if you made a: and mx: implicit.

Arrgghh, no wonder that I misunderstood you, you also misunderstood
me completely.  When I wrote "implicit" it wasn't about "strip the
mx: from mx:an.example resulting in an.example".

What I meant was this:  Treat "v=spf3 ..." policies implicitly like
"v=spf1 +mx ...", and get rid of the complete mx-mechanism in v=spf3.
It was not about the characters "mx" or "mx:".

Sorry for the misunderstanding.  If every SPF3 record contains an
implicit +mx, then what about domains that have separate outbound relays
so their mx'en send no mail?  They could list each mx with "-a:", but
that's somewhat unfriendly.

I don't know if any others had trouble with it, but if so, maybe
"opt" would be better.  If it only occurs once in a record, then
"options" is not so bad.

Maybe, but too late to change it, I've removed the "do not deploy"
caveat when it was published as I-D.  And the ten SPF drafts before
the I-D go back to late 2004, almost always mentioned or announced
here.  To some degree (164 matches) also discussed here:


Since we're talking about SPFx, that's not really a limitation.

Seth Goodman

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