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Re: Re[2]: [spf-discuss] back to Reclassifying Sender ID and SPF as Historic - was: New SPF Council

2009-01-24 09:50:57
On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 09:29:32 +0100 "Alex van den Bogaerdt" 
<alex(_at_)ergens(_dot_)op(_dot_)het(_dot_)net> wrote:
The standard should IMHO acknowledge the current install base from the 
experiment which was conducted. But that's just it: an experiment, which 
useful, and which should end.

SPF is not an experimental protocol.  The "experiment" was an IETF method 
to not have to sort out the conflicts between SPF and Sender ID for a few 
years in the hope the mess would just go away.

I don't mind going to the IESG with the results of the "experiment", but 
let's not be confused ourselves.

Scott K

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