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Re: Re[2]: [spf-discuss] back to Reclassifying Sender ID and SPF as Historic - was: New SPF Council

2009-01-26 05:47:19

--On 23 January 2009 21:35:22 -0500 Scott Kitterman <scott(_at_)kitterman(_dot_)com> wrote:

On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 18:29:53 -0600 Don Lee
<spfdiscuss(_at_)caution(_dot_)icompute(_dot_)com> wrote:
From my POV, we should push for the SPF RR, but recognize that the TXT
records are going to be required in any usable implementations for
a very long time.

What makes you think "very long time" will be less than forever?

Until a receiver can check just type SPF and not type TXT, there's a
substantial disadvantage for receivers to check both.  Until receivers
check type SPF there's no motivation to go to the added trouble to
publish  two sets of records.

Until someone figures out how to break this catch 22, type SPF deployment
will stay where it is, nil.

Scott K

What's required to persuade people to check SPF as well as TXT records is for one or more significant email senders (or a lot of smaller ones) to take a leadership role and publish only the SPF records. That leader could be one of the large email service providers, or it could be a government organisation.

But that probably won't happen until software exists to enable it. Any tools for publication should provide SPF records by default and TXT records as an option. Similarly, libraries for validating records should check SPF by default, and TXT as an option.

The RFCs should be drafted accordingly. Nothing will be made non-compliant as a result, but new tools, and new versions of existing tools, created by people reading the RFC will encourage drift away from TXT and towards SPF.

So, I think this draft should say "SHOULD publish/check SPF" and "MAY publish/check TXT" records.

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex

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