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Re: Re[2]: [spf-discuss] back to Reclassifying Sender ID and SPF as Historic - was: New SPF Council

2009-01-20 16:23:15
I'll add that ... Kaminsky ... and they updated to the latest versions 
isn't my experience.

For the pydns (python-dns) I did an initial implementation of the "Fix" as 
a distro developer for Debian/Ubuntu.  I took an unreleased TID change 
upstream had In svn and did an initial source port randomization 
implementation and patched not only the current release but older versions 
in Debian Stable and 5 supported Ubuntu releases.  The updates went to all 
Debian/Ubuntu users using a supported release.  While I may not have been 
as strictly minimalistic as I should have been and cleaned up a couple of 
bugs along the way, I can guarantee no extra SPF RR processing slipped in.

Scott K

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