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Re: Re: [spf-discuss] New SPF Council - was Reclassifying Sender ID and SPF as Historic

2009-01-19 14:11:25
At 17:52 19/01/2009  Monday, Alessandro Vesely wrote:

I agree v=spf3 will annoy many hostmasters, but I see no other recipe 
to unilaterally resolve the observed conflict, namely that rfc4406 
attaches the unintended "pra" scope-id to version v=spf1.

However, we might avoid doubling the data. I expand on this in my next 

I agree with an adendum {my own observations ;) }

for this i'm excluding softfail and neutral as only discussing {to my mind} 
important edge cases

first off between spf and sender-id there are 3 scopes

1 helo
2 mfrom
3 pra

1-2 spf 2-3 sender-id

for helo records now a simple pass/fail should be the only ever required 
{but as many have both helo and mfrom for the one domain an additional "doesn't 
exist anywhere" would be nice}

for mfrom in an ideal {everyone runs SRS} world it will only require pass/fail
but as ideal world not here it would be useful to have pass/fail/dosn't-exist

for pra even in an SRS only world many may have to go with neutral, but in 
theory it also would be
 nice to differentiate between fail-policy and address-dosn't exist

this edge case being domains where they use an existing spf of say
example.com   txt "v=spfv1 redirect=%{l}._spf1.example.com"
example.com   txt "v=spfv2 redirect=%{l}._spf2.example.com"

and then say has spf for each user that exists
example._spf1.example.com txt "v=spfv1 ptr:example.com include:gmail.com -ALL" 
; note also allows gmails and example.com to forge helo of 
"example._spf1.example.com" which is sub-optimal {but unlikely in this case due 
to _ }

example._spf2.example.com txt "v=spfv2/mfrom ptr:example.com -ALL"
example._spf2.example.com txt "v=spfv2/pra ptr:example.com ?ALL" 
;{example dosn't like pra and thus discourages}

 and a

*._spf1.example.com txt "v=spfv1 -ALL"
*._spf2.example.com txt "v=spfv2 -ALL"

thus if example(_at_)example(_dot_)com sends an email via a non-SRS forwarder 
to an isp that dosn't allow its users to whitelist their forwarders {gmx.de 
springs to mind}
it is indistinguishable from an email with totalybogus(_at_)example(_dot_)com 
{by return code}

now i propose if we were to combine into an spfv3 we would add the additional 
limited use #/*/! or any other appropriate character for an extra return code 
of "absolutly forgery" for use in the edge cases of

*._spf1.example.com txt "v=spfv3 #ALL"

and for ones like

www.example.com txt "v=spfv3 #ALL"

but adopt some of the granularity of multiple txt records in sender-id

so mx10.example.com can have

mx10.example.com  txt "v=spfv3/helo A -ALL"
mx10.example.com  txt "v=spfv3/mfrom,pra #ALL" 

assuming it sends bounces from postmaster(_at_)example(_dot_)com {thus no valid 
addresses in @mx10... domain}

and example.com can be

example.com txt "v=spfv3/helo #ALL"
example.com txt "v=spfv3/mfrom,pra redirect=%{l}._spf3.example.com"

additionally it doesn't seem to break any sender-id or spf-v1 client i have 
tested so should be easy to early-deploy
and think the unifying of the 2 will make it faster to roll out to all those 
currently having to deal with both

obviously use of the # with any exceptions placed previously breaks the point 
so should cause a syntax error if pre-ceeded by anything other than redirects 
in the chain

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