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Re[2]: [spf-discuss] back to Reclassifying Sender ID and SPF as Historic - was: New SPF Council

2009-01-20 15:18:49
Given  the  issue  discovered  in  DNS  last year, which essentially
required  suppliers  of  DNS  server  software to address and update
their software, one would think that any serious DNS operators would
have  migrated  to the new fixed DNS server versions. One would also
think  that  suppliers  of DNS servers would also have added support
for  SPF  RR as a valid and accepted RR type in current DNS software
per  the RFCs governing standards for DNS in their current releases.
Thus  on  most all DNS servers, one might conclude that there should
already be direct support the SPF RR.

What's  with  this  "one might" and "one would" high-falutin'? Just do
some research (if you're not afraid to find out you're wrong).

As of Oct 2008, post-Kaminsky, the Measurement Factory survey reported
that  under 7% of authoritative servers were running a version of BIND
that supports Type 99 (9.4+).

Approximately 15% more use djb/My/Simple/Power, which at least support
Type 99 in their latest versions (versions for these are not given).

26% of servers are totally unclassified. Given earlier survey results,
I  believe  there  to be at least another 1-3% of MS DNS in there (the
classifiable  servers are < 1% MS DNS), and none of those support Type

Anyway,  add  in  half  of  the  unclassified  BINDs, plus half of the
totally  unknown  servers,  and  even  at  this surely inflated level,
you're  talking  about  45%  SPF  RR support. That isn't "most all DNS
servers" (whatever that means). It's almost "most".


I  would  not argue with your wishful thinking, but that's not what we
should deal with here.


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