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RE: Re[8]: [spf-discuss] Trying to understand the best recommendation for my client, help appreciated.

2009-05-13 08:37:11

I did send you a mail yesterday containing the links to the documentation
that I have. Maybe you didn't get it so it's copied below for reference. 

Mail read:
Hi Alan,

Thanks for coming back to me again. I've done some searching around again
this morning and have been unable to find the relevant property that allows
me to set the envelope sender when generating an email using the cdo.message
in vbscript. I've been trying to find the answer in the msdn library
documentation for it so by all means if you're prepared to have a look then
it would be much appreciated. A URL to start with would be
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms526311(EXCHG.10).aspx , but there
is lots of documentation there. The closest thing I have found to the answer
is on this page,
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms526283(EXCHG.10).aspx but it seems
to suggest the field is read-only and I can't seem to find anything about
how it might get set programatically.

Thanks again for your help,


As it stands Sandy has kindly provided me with a suggested resolution to the
issue that I'm going to be testing out over the next couple of days with the
client, so I'm happy for this thread to now be closed, and thank you all of
you for your assistance, it's much appreciated.



-----Original Message-----
From: alan [mailto:spfdiscuss(_at_)alandoherty(_dot_)net] 
Sent: 13 May 2009 12:11
To: spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com
Subject: Re[8]: [spf-discuss] Trying to understand the best recommendation
for my client, help appreciated.

At 03:14 13/05/2009  Wednesday, Sanford Whiteman wrote:
Let's call a halt to measuring who's knowledge of what is bigger and
focus on answering the original question.

Good idea. I am answering it off-list. 

my view sod it! if help not wanted from those with expertise let them go and
f*ck up however they want

as to the libraries and OS/programming details

no, familiarity is unimportant to anyone but the programmer

a good programming team {i have been involved in many} has a protocol expert
assist to ensure protocol/BCP adherence
I just needed the api details /manual {but as i say if their to lazy to post
the uri, why should we bother}
to see if it can do the job and if it can advise on all the points where
they may /not adhere if not explicitly specifying values

in your case the datapoints without seeing the manual are

if you had bothered i could have told you where they are specified

IP{s} ensuring its has FcRDNS, ensuring FcRDNS has SPF-deny and csv-deny so
trojans and malware can't degrade the reputation of the mailer
helo/ehlo ensuring it adheres to RFC , has SPF, has CSV, points at all IP(s)
above, and in BCP is not==FcRDNS but is on same domain
mail from: <envelope sender> ensuring adheres to RFC ,it has SPF for IP(s)
above}, has MX's, is read/handled correctly

and in the mail
date:  ensuring adheres to RFC
message-id: ensuring adheres to RFC
from: ensuring adheres to RFC , has sender-id, passes dkim/domainkeys if
domain has these, has MX's, is read/handled correctly
{and if issues with sender-id,  dkim/domainkeys ensure sender: or other
workarounds are employed}

and any other as required by content being sent and origin {ie if web mail a
received: header showing protocol as http and originating ip and via for any

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