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Re[11]: [spf-discuss] Trying to understand the best recommendation for my client, help appreciated.

2009-05-13 14:33:35
I'm out and won't be replying to this trolls followups

Interesting  redefinition of the term "troll" from someone striving so
hard  to  try  to get a paid consulting gig through this mailing list.
This  isn't  a marketplace, kid. If you don't know how to help someone
with the problem that is actually at hand, drop out.

You  actually  said  that familiarity with a library is unimportant to
"anyone but the programmer" -- anyone but the programmer who wrote the
compiled  library?  *snicker*  Then you gave a completely wrong answer
about  CDOSYS, after lying about having familiarity with Exchange. Was
it  that  you  had too much familiarity to give the right answer? Then
you  gave  another completely wrong answer after doing more "research"
in  Microsoft's  documentation. I guess you're just too deep inside at
this point.

Perish  the  thought that you might actually have tried the technology
first before answering with any degree of authority. Hmm, but then you
would  have  actually  spent  uncompensated  time helping someone out.
Worse,  you  might  have  accidentally  achieved  some  expertise in a
Windows  technology. That can be very dangerous: you might not care to
use  tired epithets like 'M$' and 'tecNOT' anymore, and what fun would
life  be  if  you  couldn't  mock  somebody's  platform  choices while
claiming you were there to help (for money)?

Anyway,  go  get  'em  on  the use of frames, le tigre. You want me to
PayPal  you  something  for  your  trouble  in  going  to MSDN for two


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