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Re: [fetchmail]Fixed UIDL + IMAP patch

2004-05-21 11:33:18
On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 11:18:38AM -0700, Clint Sharp wrote:
Well, IMAP has more than one mechanism defined to detect this:
- The \Seen flag
- The UID mechanism

I personally don't see a need for a third, as it violates the spirit of the
protocol (i.e. the protocol designers put those features in for a purpose).
Perhaps if fetchmail had a 'plug-in' type architecture then unusual or
specialised configurations like this could be more easily supported.

POP3 supports three


POP3 has one - UIDL.

Prehistoric POP3 (RFC1460) had another - LAST. It vanished in RFC1725 and
the current standard is RFC1939, although it is still supported in fetchmail
(unfortunately). It's the analogue of IMAP \Seen

I'm not aware of any other.

