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Re: MTAs and Content-Transfer-Encoding conversions

1993-08-19 18:01:51
  Two characters in 8IN7 encoding are special.  The
  backslash (\)       character quotes the next character,
  which may be either another         backslash (\) or a tilde
  (~); no other character is valid.  The      \\ sequence
  results in a single backslash, and the \~ sequence
  results in a single tilde in the destination stream.
      The tilde (~) character applies the high order (0x80)
  bit to the  next character.

better might be:

\\  => \
\~X => X & 0x7F
\?X => X & 0xFC | 0x20  so 0x80..0x9F transit as 0x20..0x3F
\X  => X                to be tolerant

in the other direction:

     \     => \\
0x80..0x9F => \?X  where X is 0x20..0x3F
0xA0..0xFF => \~X  where X is 0x20..0x7F

of course, ? is arbitrarily chosen, perhaps something 
else is more suitable.

Assuming 0x80.. chars are in the distinct minority, this 
looks great for peer-platform interchange, but what about 
cross platform?  Even for Mac-Mac, if the character 
sets are not equivalent (ie, Hebrew, Arabic) this will 
display some degree of non-sense on the receiving UI.

Seems to want some additional info, or an understanding.  Hate 
to drag in the international Q again, and certainly dont want 
to rehash it in the same depth as last summer got into.
dana s emery <de19(_at_)umail(_dot_)umd(_dot_)edu>