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Re: MTAs and Content-Transfer-Encoding conversions

1993-08-24 18:43:01
How does one pleasantly format mail consisting largely of 76+ character
lines using quoted-printable?

It isn't easy as you say.  I suggest that the line break should be made
at a word boundary, instead of in the middle of a word, so we get

        The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy =

instead of:

        The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy do=

While it is still a little ugly to have single words on extra lines, it
is a lot more readable to non-MIME users IMHO.

Is wrapping it at 38 the way to go?

It would even up the continuation lines a bit, but I'm not a great
fan of it.  If break-at-38 was done, I'd still like to see it done
at a word boundary as above.

