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Re: Text/enriched ambiguity

1993-11-01 22:37:41
On Mon, 1 Nov 1993 09:16:55 -0500 (EST), Nathaniel Borenstein 
<nsb(_at_)thumper(_dot_)bellcore(_dot_)com> wrote...
This discussion seems to have reaffirmed the utility of <param> (or
something like it), but we still haven't resolved the issue of syntax
inside a <param> ... </param> block.  Should a simple text/enriched
process read blindly until the </param>, or should it parse for
text/enriched structures, check for nesting, etc.?  Alas, I think there
are good arguments both ways.... 
It is my opinion, though I'm not an authority on such matters, that the simple
approach would be that a parser should not attempt to parse the contents of a
<param>...</param> command section.  Since the simple parser doesn't understand
the contents of the <param> section anyway, what does it gain by pretending
that it does?

If the section is NOT parsed, simple parsers won't be affected when a grammar
for the <param> section is finally decided upon.

If the section IS parsed, what is the parser supposed to do when it thinks it
has found an error?  Should it complain about the incorrect structure of
commands it doesn't understand in the first place.

My $0.015.

-- Mark Keasling
   AIR Company LTD, Nishikawa Mitsui Bldg, 1-3-14 Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541
   email: makr%air(_at_)unify(_dot_)com    phone: +1 81 6201 4307    fax: +1 81 
6201 2107

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