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Re: How we are planning to embed HTML in messages

1995-05-16 08:27:22
Question.  Does the "name" parameter and the cid url serve the same
function as content disposition?  I might be biased ;-) but I believe
the cid url provides more flexibility and control than the content

Jacob's example makes it pretty clear that the cid url captures the
relationship between the document and the inline image.  It's not
clear to me what the content-disposition would add since "inline" is
implicit in the cid url.


On Mon, 15 May 1995 17:08:43 EDT Rens Troost wrote:
.... You might also want to use the content-disposition header to
make your html bodypart 'inline' and any subsidiary bodyparts (gifs,
sound) 'attachment' if you plan to reference them via content-id URNs
or similar mechanism.

On Tue, 16 May 1995 09:51:45 +0200 (MET DST) Jacob Palme wrote:
Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; boundary="boundary 1"

--Boundary 1
Content-Type: MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE; boundary="boundary 2"

--Boundary 2

[Text version of html below]
--Boundary 2
Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; Version=3.0;
   Charset=iso-8859-1; X-w4g-subset=1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Content-Id: <jpalme*4711-3(_at_)su-kom(_dot_)dsv(_dot_)su(_dot_)se>

<title>Demo of a MIME MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE message</title>
<a name="para-1">
<h1>Large font header</h1>
[NOTE the use of the cid url below. EL]
<IMG SRC="CID:jpalme*" align=center
alt="Picture of circle inside square"><br>
<a name="para-2">
<strong>This is the caption of the picture</strong><p>
<a name="para-3">
This is a message, which will be sent first as plain
text, and then in the HTML format, using the MIME
MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE method of sending the same text in the
same message in two different ways.
<a name="para-4">
--Boundary 2--
--Boundary 1
Content-Type: IMAGE/GIF
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
Content-Id: <jpalme*4711-4(_at_)su-kom(_dot_)dsv(_dot_)su(_dot_)se>
Content-Description: Picture of circle inside square

--Boundary 1--