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privacy is a feature (Re: [Asrg] desirable characteristics of source tracking)

2003-03-05 13:33:42
Keith wrote:
Privacy in our flavour means that you keep control of what
information is leaking out about you.

well, that seems reasonable.  I mean, if when I sign up for an
account my ISP can say "is it okay if we tell people that you send
mail to these things that might help them decide whether to accept
your mail?" and I can opt-in or opt-out to that service, would there
be a problem then?

Identity is largely pseudo-private on the internet today.  Screen
names are frequently nick-names, fun names, or nom-de-plumes which
look like real names but are not the senders real name, plus the odd
cryptographically protected anonymous and psuedonymous users.

I'd sooner keep identity out of email receipt as far as anti-spam is
concerned as it erodes these current freedoms to be anonymous and
pseudonymous to varying degrees.

Having an option to not receive anonymous mail for anti-spam motivated
is from this perspective undersirable in that it makes anonymous users
second class citizens -- their email will be likely discarded.

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