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Re: False positives (was Re: [Asrg] Re: RMX Records)

2003-03-07 16:33:58
 | > From: Keith Moore <moore(_at_)cs(_dot_)utk(_dot_)edu>
 | > ... The main problem I see is the lack of any way to make senders
 | > accountable for their actions, and to distinguish responsible
 | > senders from irresponsible ones.
 | exactly. That statement belongs somewhere in the problem statement
 | that seems to part of the nominal purpose of this mailing list.

The main problem with Keith Moore's statement is that it provides no
insight about what to take action against.

that's the problem with brief statements - if you make the statement
short enough that people will read it, you have to leave out details :)

It seems like it will be impossible to impose a motivation on the sender 
without totally changing what we mean when we say email.

I don't think it's quite that bad.  There are lots of ways to motivate
senders to be responsible.  e.g. 

- make the mail tracable and bill them huge amounts for sending abusive
- make the mail tracable and take their accounts away if they send abusive
- make the mail tracable and allow potential recipients to learn about
  a sender's reputation - they can handle the mail pessimistically if
  the reputation isn't good enough
- rate-limit outgoing mail

It might be a resonable strategic position to re-archetect email along
lines that enable enforcement of sender responsability. But that is not
a tactical solution available to us in the short term.

depends on what you mean by short term.  but none of this requires changes
to the basic email protocols that are in use.  some of it requires new
protocols that could be used by MTAs and/or mail filters.  but there would
be plently of incentive for say, SpamAssasin to implement those protocols.
As such that Mr Moore's statement belongs in the overview, scope or
concusion sections of any formal statement of a goals document for
this group.

that's how it was intended.  I think it's too early to start trying to
nail down solutions.

Asrg mailing list

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