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Re: [Asrg] This research group will fail

2003-03-19 15:52:01
At 05:27 PM 3/19/2003 -0500, you wrote:
At 2:02 PM -0800 3/19/03, Steve Schear wrote:
Past that I really don't care if they can or cannot contact me. I can live with that.

Which pretty much sums out why this works for you, but won't ever meet the needs of this discussion group.

Perhaps not, and perhaps the group's objectives are too grand to meet in one or even a few steps. The net and much of its infrastructure were built by 'selfish' people trying to solve their problems and made available to others to use as they saw fit. I'm just following this time-honored and proven method. Instead of trying from the outset to solve the spam problem w/o disadvantaging any existing users I'm trying to experiment to see if I can solve my spam problem and make it available to others to use if it helps them. The first filter systems were just that.

No one has deployed a sender-pays so no ones knows what will or will not work. All I'm saying is let's deploy and see what happens.


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