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Re: [Asrg] A New Plan for No Spam / DNSBLS

2003-04-28 11:56:27
Larry Marks <larry(_dot_)marks(_at_)barberry(_dot_)com> wrote:
Your kind of thinking encourages spammers to sue ISPs who block
their garbage, for "intefering with business practices."  If the ISP
never contracted to accept the spammers mail, then the judge *should*
toss the suit.  (Modulo whatever legal twisting lawyers do)

You raised the spectre of a lawsuit, not me. 

  <sigh> I tried to explain that your position *encourages* lawsuits.
If you want to ignore that reality, that's your choice.

I am only encouraging ISPs to act like they are carriers responsible
to the public.

  Nonsense.  ISP's are responsible only to their customers and
business partners.

  Alan DeKok.
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