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RE: [Asrg] Some data on the validity of MAIL FROM addresses

2003-05-20 21:31:07
On Monday, May 19, 2003 11:48 AM, Vernon Schryver 
[SMTP:vjs(_at_)calcite(_dot_)rhyolite(_dot_)com] wrote:
  - some recent spam contains HTTP HREF URLs of the form
    Does some HTML-aware MUA treat '__' like '/'?

  - some recent spam contains several purely garbage URLs in HREFs or
   two valid ones.  They're not even hidden (e.g. <A HREF="asdf"></A>)
   What's the point of telling spam targets to "click on this" when it
   is pure garbage?

These two are indeed interesting as they may not be spam at all but probes or 
perhaps even bugs of some sort.  It would be interesting to see whether your 
speculation on the first is true, and whether a BASE reference exists in the 

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