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Re: [Asrg] 3. Requirements - Non Spam must go through

2003-07-09 16:21:33
The problem is the cost of opening/closing the connection - that is a pretty heavy penalty. I'd be more like to just route the bits to the great bucket in the sky.


Alan DeKok wrote:

"Pete McNeil" <madscientist(_at_)microneil(_dot_)com> wrote:
What about silently breaking the pipe? That is, accept the connection
(one packet) then forget about it. The sender's device would have to
time out before trying again. I know it's a low-level networking hack,
but it might save bandwidth over the other two alternatives. Thoughts?

 It's a thought, but I haven't tried it myself.

 People have tried similar things with 'teergrube', and it doesn't
appear to make enough different to be worthwhile.

 Alan DeKok.

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