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Re: [Asrg] Spam, why is it still a problem?

2006-01-16 11:11:18

We could probably knock together a modern interoperability
specification which would accomodate these, and many other, factors but
what use would it be? We would then have to convince every user of mail to
upgrade their software, and if we manage that what cost would it have?
If you want spam to stop dead you only need to replace SMTP as the mail
transport protocol of choice for everyone everywhere at once.

I would like to introduce a new term to spam-fighting, analogous to
FUSSP ("final ultimate solution to the spam problem" or something
close to that):


      The IMAGINARY Final Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem.

From the first nanosecond spam was recognized as something which
needed some sort of generalized solution people involved have repeated
to each other over and over:

      The problem is you can't just replace all the mail software
      overnight on either clients or servers which makes a practical
      solution very difficult.

           (I'll call that the First Axiom of IFUSSP)

Sounds good, but I claim there is no such solution, or it's never been
outlined that I've seen.

Someone please outline it and let others work on deploying its
acceptance. The latter, deployment, is a management function about
which a brilliant software designer may have little insight. Why
proclaim onself expert in both the design and its practical
deployment? Others have those skills.

It's been well over 10 years we've been proclaiming that any good
solution might take (gasp) as long as 10 years to deploy.

So let's just have this IFUSSP design, please. Or let's stop claiming
it exists.

        -Barry Shein

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