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Re: [Asrg] Email Postage (was Re: FeedBack loops)

2008-11-17 13:50:03
Financial penalties for getting pwned are one of the very few things
that might actually get users to stop being idiots about such

I agree in principle, though believe such a system is just too
unwieldy to attempt in a global email world.

If your focus is restricted to email, perhaps.

What we need first is some sort of provable sender id.

We mostly have that at the host level, and that's enough for what I was
sketching to work (to the extent that it will work at all, that is).
"Your machine sent it; you're responsible" - much as (as you point out)
it already is for telephones; bad as that analogy is in many respects,
I think it's a good one in that one respect.

You can't fine/charge someone for being ill,

Sure you can.  Ever hear of employers allowing only limited numbers of
sick days? :-)

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