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Re: [Asrg] Soundness of silence

2009-06-17 11:40:39
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:25 AM, der 
Mouse<mouse(_at_)rodents-montreal(_dot_)org> wrote:
[In bygone days, when mail took a week to cross the continent,] I as
a node admin did what I could to prevent our system from being part
of the precipitate, and did have an expectation that others would do
likewise - but I also knew enough about ways we could silently lose
mail that I accepted unreliability as just a fact of email life.
If you're talking about hardware faults, unreliability is just a fact
of life, tout court.  At least, SMTP specifications allowed to tell
whose fault it was.

The SMTP specifications were irrelevant.  This was the UUCP age.

And the crowd starts chanting "Bring back bang paths!"
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