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Re: [ietf-dkim] ABNF: Sender = Originator / Operator

2006-03-10 10:09:52

>... I find it very easy to understand
things when talking about books. An author creates a book. A publisher
introduces the book to the world in a presentable format. A Bookstore
make the book available to the public. Using Bill's suggestion:

email           books
author          author
originator      publisher
operator        bookstore

I noted your earlier use of 'publisher' and it bothered me quite a bit.

However  I am warming to the model you describe.

1. It is an extremely well-established model.

2. It pertains to salient responsibilities in an information transfer sequence.

(Given that multiple operators can be in a sequence, I'd suggest 'distributor' rather than 'bookstore'.)

It scares me quite a bit to have my email operator be vested with apparent responsibility for the content of my email, but, alas, I guess that really is what the anti-abuse work is about.

What do other folks think?



Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
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