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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: Responsibility concerns with DesignatedSigning Domains

2006-08-28 07:49:52
Wietse Venema wrote:

The problem that you refer to is due to the mistaken belief that
DKIM signatures imply anything about rfc2822.from addresses. We
can eliminate the problem by simply taking DKIM signatures for what
they actually are: proof about the identity of the signing party,
not proof about the identity of the author.        =============
If you take the real life example of Yahoo!, I believe that they annotate the mail when the message contains a valid first party signature (ie from the author domain). I'm not certain whether they annotate it if it contains only a third party signature, but there's a lot of reason to believe that that would be very confusing to their users if they did. Annotation of the third parties might inadvertently lend
credibility not deserved. Human factors are tricky things.

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