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Re: [ietf-dkim] Collection of use cases for SSP requirements

2006-11-13 15:37:59

On Nov 13, 2006, at 2:16 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:

Steve Atkins wrote:

On Nov 13, 2006, at 1:36 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:

Steve Atkins wrote:

  2. Someone else is sending mail with my domain in RFC822 From:

  4.2.  Problem Scenario 2: Illegitimate Domain Name Use

It's a (one-line, hence possibly open to misinterpretation) summary of
the situation described in the first paragraph of 4.2.
I hope you're not misunderstanding me because I really don't understand how you could have thought this had to do with third party signing. This scenario is #1 with some expectation on the part of the signer that it ought to arrive with signature intact. Can you tell me what led you to believe that it had to do with 3rd party signing? If there's something misleading, I'd
like to fix it.

I didn't use the term "signing" at all, and am certainly not confused
in the 3rd party signing direction by anything in the draft. I don't see
any real problem with the phrasing there.

The issue discussed in 4.2 is someone other than A sending mail
to B with A's domain in the 822 From: address, without authorization
from A.

Throwing the word "unauthorized" into my description might have
made that clearer.


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