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Re: Choice of SMTP headers

2004-03-23 13:30:50

I believe there are a couple of assumptions that are hidden here and in similar conversations that have taken place on this and many other similar lists over the past n years.

1) The fundamental principle behind mail is that it's a communication between (at least) two entities. Solutions may have costs, barriers, and benefits that affect senders, receivers, or both. And the costs and benefits may accrue to different people.

2) Most end-users rely on their ISPs (or ASPs), Enterprise IT managers, or educational institutions to manage their mail servers, DNS, and other infrastructure pieces (I'll refer to these folks collectively as infrastructure providers). Their choice of mail client may be driven from above or may be a personal choice. Users and infrastructure providers have different motivations for implementing these solutions, and, as above, differences in cost, conveninence, and desire.

I don't bring these up in support of or against any specific proposal, but to remind us of some core principles behind what we're building. Like the International Email Address (IEA) and International Domain Name (IDN) efforts, there's a lot of work involved in moving us from here to there, and the various groups have very different reasons for wanting or not wanting to get there.

I think this has been proposed before, but for each proposal (including these kind of discussions), I think it would be very helpful for folks to articulate which constituent does the work and which problem it is supposed to solve.


Alan DeKok wrote:

"Mark C. Langston" <mark(_at_)bitshift(_dot_)org> wrote:
 They upgrade laptops regularly.  So there's already an existing
model for deploying software upgrades.  Wait 2-3 years, and deployment
will have reached the majority of users.
...and for those people that must wait a year, or two, or three, before
email is functional again?

 They will have incentive to upgrade sooner.

When a service that many view as fundamental, such as email, stops
functioningi as deployed, trickling out a fix isn't seen as an
appropriate response.

 It's already stopped functioning properly.  And you're confusing the
design of a fix with it's deployment (or "trickling out").  We
shouldn't throw away designs simply because some people will deploy it
slowly.  That's their problem.

 My original comment on the 2-3 year deployment was that it was an
UPPER bound on deployment time.  After 2-3 years, a large number of
people will have upgraded software, through the simple expedient of
upgrading their systems.  People who want it deployed sooner have
incentive to do so, and can choose to do so.

For that reason, it'd be better to come up with a recommendation whose
impact is largely, or completely, server-side, and transparent to the
client and end-users.

 Such as...?

 This is the problem I've seen on ASRG for over a year now.
"Solution X doesn't satisfy criteria A, so we should wait for a
solution which does satisfy it".  But no one proposes such a system.

 After a year of this, that argument starts to look like a polite way
of refusing to deploy anything, ever.

 Alan DeKok.

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