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RE: plan for april 5th xmpp conference...

2004-03-26 13:19:44

Would it be possible to choose a different day?

April 5th is the day of the event and in addition is
passover (you would think that bankers would realize...)


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ietf-mxcomp(_at_)mail(_dot_)imc(_dot_)org
[mailto:owner-ietf-mxcomp(_at_)mail(_dot_)imc(_dot_)org]On Behalf Of Marshall 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 2:16 PM
To: ietf-mxcomp(_at_)imc(_dot_)org
Subject: plan for april 5th xmpp conference...

in preparation for the next xmpp conference (to be held april 5th at
2100utc at conference room marid(_at_)ietf(_dot_)xmpp(_dot_)org), the 
ask the following of all interested parties: 
    by friday, april 2nd, please send an email to the mailing list
    explaining which identity you think the working group 
should address
    along with a short list of bullet points as to the trade-offs
    associated with using this identity.
by "identity", we refer to:
    2821 HELO/EHLO domain
    2821 MAIL FROM
    2822 From:
    2822 Sender:
at the xmpp conference, we will discuss these issues interactively.
many thanks,