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2004-08-05 01:41:52

wayne wrote:

This I-D is part of the "Unified-SPF" group of I-Ds that
Meng et al talked about publishing several weeks back.

For some obscure reasons I always thought that "unified SPF"
is the same as "MARID SPF" (protocol-00 and core-02).  I don't
count "submitter" because anything allowing bounces to a third
party is IMHO a perversion of classic SPF resp. RMX.

I didn't hear about the decision to delay until after I had
already submitted the Unified-SPF/From: draft.

No problem with that as long as I'm not supposed to grep the
I-D list to find new SPF / MARID drafts.

in fact, work has already progressed on the idea of checking
only the From: header and whitelisting exceptions.

2822 From: headers are not necessarily related to the original
RMX / SPF problem, i.e. useless bounces caused by billions of
forged MAIL FROM addresses.  Classic SPF will solve my problem,
and I'm very reluctant to consider "better" solutions breaking
legacy software.

I think that Meng, Mark and I are all of the opinion that
existing SPF records can be used with the various Unified-SPF

 From my POV that's not the case, one of my mail providers has
not implemented the "MSA MAY" RfC 2476 8.1.  Sender-Id changes
this implicitly to a SHOULD or even a MUST.  But maybe I can
convince you that the recipient could simply pretend that this
not yet existing MUST has been done ("default Sender:"), it's
less trouble than different spf1 vs. marid1 sender policies.

what Mark meant by it is that it doesn't change things like
RFC2822 or RFC2821.

Okay, but for Sender-id there's a problem with RfC 2476 8.1

the Unified-SPF/From: I-D requires you to whitelist mailing
lists that you have subscribed to.

Then it's probably a solution only relevant for MUAs, the MX
of a big ISP can't whitelist mailing lists for all users. (?)

IP not okay for xyzzy:    SPF classic  SPF/FROM-HDR
MAIL FROM:<user(_at_)MSA(_dot_)test> UNKNOWN      (UNKNOWN in step 3)
2822 From:<valid(_at_)xyzzy>   don't care   FAIL (step 5)
I'm not sure what exactly the problem with this is.

That's the RfC 2476 8.1 "MAY", or rather its "maybe not".  My
MUA prepares all outbound messages with From: nobody(_at_)xyzzy

Later I send it with via one of two smart hosts, that's either
MAIL FROM:<nobody(_at_)xyzzy> or MAIL FROM:<user(_at_)msa(_dot_)test>.  There
is no matching Sender:, and it's "maybe not" inserted.  If you
ask why I use msa.test:

Sometimes (depending on costs and the time of the day, or if
the primary MSA is blocked by a recipient) I cannot use "my"
primary MSA, and then I use the secondary MSA (msa.test).  And
the secondary MSA isn't interested in Sender-Id / RfC 2476 8.1,
it "only" insists on a correct MAIL FROM:<user(_at_)MSA(_dot_)test>

If I understand things correctly, someone used MSA.test to
submit a message claiming to be from valid(_at_)xyzzy, but xyzzy
doesn't say that MSA.test is an ok source for such email.

That's it.  xyzzy is only a vanity host with a wildcard sender
policy, and my primary ISP has no reason to change this, after
all I can use its MSA as long as I'm online with this ISP.  If
I use another dialin ISP then that's my problem.  OTOH the 2nd
MSA also has no compelling reason to implement RfC 2476 8.1: I
could add a matching Sender: manually (for Sender-Id).

But for SPF/FROM-HDR even a manually added Sender: won't work.
Okay, I could still modify From: into ReplyTo:, and then add a
new matching From: manually, but that's a very clumsy solution.

you would need to do both Unified-SPF/MAILFROM and either
Unified-SPF/PRA or Unified-SPF/From:.

This _and_ is very important.  Maybe we should mention it in
SPF/PRA resp. SPF/FROM, these tests make no sense without a
prior SPF/MAILFROM test.  The important thing is SPF/MAILFROM,
and at the moment we have no draft for SPF/MAILFROM (= the old
draft-mengwong-spf-01.txt minus all stuff now covered by MARID

What's the purpose of step 2 spf_test(To:,IP) ?

Whitelisting the To: address is something that SpamAssassin
does.  It allows many emails sent through mail forwarders to
be whitelisted.

So far that's clear.

If I send email to <user(_at_)forwarder(_dot_)tld>, and it gets passed
onto <user(_at_)isp(_dot_)tld), the email will be coming from an IP
address associated with forwarder.tld.

That's also clear.

Since user(_at_)isp(_dot_)tld has been involved with the creation and
running of this forwarding relationship, they can easily
whitelist it.

ACK, now I got it, To: user(_at_)forwarder(_dot_)tld and the forwarding IP
should be matched by the sender policy of forwarder.tld, and
that's something the MUA of user(_at_)isp(_dot_)tld knows.  But again a
case which won't work at the MX of isp.tld for big ISPs.

people really want to also protect the From: header.

More than 1000 useless bounces to "my" catch-all vanity domain
per day are a much more pressing problem for me.

I strongly suspect that Unified-SPF/From: can be made to
have a much lower error rate than PRA if there is a good
interface to the whitelisting in the MUA.

Maybe.  But things are really confusing if the recipient either
tests this or tests that, and I as sender don't know how my
sender policy is interpreted today.  I'd prefer a KISS solution
where sender policies only for SPF/MAILFROM are possible.

                           Bye, Frank