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Re: What Meng said

2004-08-11 09:43:32

On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Andrew Newton wrote:

 [11:05:42] <mengwong> if submitter is not present, we fall back to
mail-from. people are missing this.

In defense of "people", I reread marid-submitter and marid-core this
morning and could not find the place where this was stated.  However,
this statement is significant.  I'm not saying it is a good or bad
idea, but it profoundly changes how SUBMITTER is used, the nexus of
SUBMITTER and PRA, and even the semantics of the RR version identifier.

I'm of the same opinion as Andy upon re-reading the documents, if
submitter is not present then you *have* to grovel through the headers
(this is necessary to support Sender ID filters plugged in to or behind
MTAs that may not yet support SUBMITTER).

There is a minor optimization noted that in the future, if SUBMITTER would
exactly match MAIL FROM, then SUBMITTER could be omitted.  I thought this
paragraph had the possibility for confusion written all over it, but
others wanted to leave it in.

So maybe "people" are reading the specs differently than Meng? ;)


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