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Re: What Meng said

2004-08-11 15:24:15

Meng Weng Wong a écrit :

On a separate note, I have heard that EzMLM and YahooGroups
lists do not pass the PRA test.

I believe the Sympa MLM ( doesn't pass it either,
because it doesn't add any "Sender:" nor "Resent-From:" nor whatever
header that PRA uses. Although this can probably be easily "fixed in a
future version", this would be "one more thing that will need and upgrade"
to be PRA compliant.

The new core draft may benefit from an applicability statement that
waives the PRA test for recognized mailing lists.

Then you have to define "recognized mailing lists", which might be a
matter for yet another draft.

If a candidate standard has to start its life by making exceptions for a
number of situations, I believe it shows that it is basically flawed.

Michel Bouissou <michel(_at_)bouissou(_dot_)net> OpenPGP ID 0xDDE8AC6E

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