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Re: consensus call of RR prefix

2004-09-05 22:47:07

On Sun, 2004-09-05, Mark wrote:
If we require an underscored _marid prefix to prevent potential collisions 
with existing namespace, are we then not dealing with a circular reasoning 

I mean, if the underscore prefix is not widely deployed because few DNS 
providers support it, then choosing an underscored prefix to avoid collision 
leads to having to make world-wide changes to providers' User Interfaces, so 
that the _marid prefic can be widely deployed; after which time you lost the 
advantage again of not running the risk of collision.

I believe the reason for the underscore is that it is, in fact, NOT a valid 
*hostname* character, but it IS valid in a domain name. It seems to be a 
common, but incorrect, belief that DNS is only for hostnames.

Bill McQuillan <McQuilWP(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com>

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