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Re: Protocol next steps

2003-04-01 11:39:18

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, The Purple Streak, Hilarie Orman wrote:

My recommendation will be based on a further careful reading of the
draft, and I'll have comments at the same time, because that's just
the way I do things, and I cannot do that this week, and I'm not
sure when I can do it next week.  The timeline seemed too aggressive
for me, and I thought others might find it so.  Please withhold
further astonishment and speculation on the effectiveness of my

Given the above, I think we should publish as an individual draft to
give everybody enough time for a thorough review while allowing new
revisions to be discussed and published. Those that do not have a
problem with the draft becoming a WG document can treat it as such

Submitting an individual draft should not hurt anything, should it?
Skipping that step would be nice, but it is not a big deal. I will
submit an individual draft in ~12 hours unless somebody stops me.
Let's move on...

Thank you,


P.S. I do not think there was any intended astonishment or
speculation, just attempts to clarify what we are after here.

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