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Re: Protocol next steps

2003-04-01 12:51:36


This group has done a great job in moving documents forward, given 
all the problems that we had to deal with.

The list had a great effort prioir to the IETF and a lot of work was done on
the protocol.

I would really appreciate words of encouragment every now and then.

Closing shop is not an option, not at this stage of the game

abbie - while i sympathize, i'm unmoved.

in the real world, you're only as good as what you've done lately. the real
world doesn't give time-outs.

i'm glad the working group is showing renewed energy, and certainly i thank
people for the results i've been seeing.

having said that, we're still way behind schedule, so when someone asks for an
extension, i view it as adding insult to injury...

credibility is something that must be constantly renewed and invigorated. now is
not the time to slow down.


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