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RE: Protocol next steps

2003-04-02 13:58:36

On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Abbie Barbir wrote:

some basic terminology need to be addressed in the ocp doc.
I think we should stick with OPES Processor and Callout Server.

we can mention that they operate like a client/server, but the same
terminology as in the arch doc should be followed.

I agree. There is a following XXX comment:

        XXX: we should replace CLIENT and SERVER placeholders in the
        text with their definitions once the CLIENT definition becomes

I will apply the above macro substitution unless somebody thinks the
current CLIENT or SERVER definition is wrong.

I am working my way into editing changes to the doc that will follow soon.

Thank you. If possible, please see Reinaldo Penno comments and my
responses. Also, please ignore anything related to meta-data handling
such as "source" and "destination" message parameters. I will wait for
your comments before applying Reinaldo changes.


P.S. I have submitted the -00- draft last night. It must be in the
     editors queue somewhere. Whatever fixes we discuss now will go
     into the next version (01).

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