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Re: Why IPv6 is a must?

2001-11-09 02:30:03
I don't see a "killer IPv6-based business app" as likely, but IPv6
does seem like a good way to solve some of the problems that NATs
cause for communications between private v4 networks.  It won't be
a single app that causes businesses to shift, it will be the ability
to run whatever protocols the businesses want to use to talk to each other.

Hold on just a minute. Business applications are moving away
from limited client/server models towards synchronous or asynchronous
exchanges between systems that are sometimes clients and sometimes
servers. I don't want to rant at length here, but peer-to-peer business
apps are absolutely what we need for IPv6.

I think we're in strong agreement.  I was only pointing out that the 
incentive for businesses to move to IPv6 might not be one or two well-known
apps that everybody uses, but a more general need to use peer-to-peer
communications between businesses.


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