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Re: Adding SpamAssassin Headers to IETF mail

2003-12-17 12:12:26

The point of [ietf] has little to do with programatic filters and much to
do with human visual filtering. Seeing the list tag in the list of
subjects provided in the index list provided by my mail client makes
human prioritization much easier. Headers are for programs, subject
content is for humans. There is a need though you may not feel the need.


On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Tim Chown wrote:

On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:00:38AM +0200, Pekka Savola wrote:

I don't-  IMHO it's stupid to waste the precious bits in the subject
line to say "[ietf] " because there is no need for such.  The messages
can be filtered better using other thods as well, and humans can look
at the headers..

I agree, for filtering everything's in the header already.