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RE: Faux Pas -- web publication in proprietary formats at

2005-11-04 16:32:53

PDF is *very* vendor-specific and proprietary. Who sets the
standards for PDF? I remember there used to be discussions
here if the RFC's should be published in PDF also. It's
always rejected of course, even if PDF is probably the best
standard you can get for a formated document (better than
postscript that it was derrived from). So you may want to ask
people for Postscript there if you are really that centric
about open standards. :-)

Postscript is no different, it is a proprietary format but one the IETF
has in the past used for standards and still accepts as a secondary -
despite the fact postscript support is no longer ubiquitous.

The use of standards in this world is shyzophrene, I used to
be against HTML emails too, but I got used to it and consider
it very practical to mark words in diffrent colors in long
replies. But I imagine if I send a html mail to this list I
will get flamed (depends on the list police of html email though).

Every time I see one of those stupid 'campaign against HTML email' sigs
I send a reply in HTML.

HTML was intended to be an email format and works well as an email
format. Javascript on the other hand...

I take the view that this is a technology business and if people don't
like new technology they probably have less to contribute than they

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