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Re: On revising 3777 as in draft-klensin-recall-rev-00

2005-11-15 10:11:46
On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 08:15:45AM -0800, Dondeti, Lakshminath allegedly
Perhaps that's one way to prove that the bar is high/low.  Another
way is to ask around with this in mind and see if we all run into
old rumors of what has been tried and with what results :-).

It would be an interesting experiment.  If we don't get any recall
requests, we keep making it easier until we get one or more ... but
then you can't ever raise the bar back up if you then think you're
getting too many.

Let's get some statistics.  Regarding attempts to get a group of 20
together in recent history, how many co-petitioners did they actually
get?  Reports solicited, details unnecessary.


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