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Re: I-D file formats and internationalization

2005-11-30 16:21:31
Douglas Otis wrote:

there could be alternative UTF fields for an author's name
and reference titles,

For the new 3066bis language tags registry we adopted the
known 𒍅 notation for u+012345.  As Bob said raw UTF-8
characters won't fly with `cat rfc4567 > /dev/lpt1` and other
simple uses of RFCs.

perhaps defined characters for simple line and table drawing

Ugh.  That's a case where I'd prefer PDF or something better.
"ASCII art" is one thing, IMHO it's cute.  But "line drawing"
char.s are a PITA:  my local charset pc-multilingual-850+euro
still has this, today it's just crap, let's forget it please,
"codepage 437" etc. and curses ACS_* are ancient history.

Ok., in theory Unicode has these characters, but if we'd really
want this we could as well jump from plain text to MathML.

It seems problematic for protocol examples to use non-ASCII
characters owing to there not being ubiquitously displayable

Yes, OTOH I vaguely recall one of Martin's (?) texts, where his
attempt to talk about non-ASCII issues in ASCII wasn't straight
forward, to put it mildly, and it certainly wasn't his fault.

Similar texts published by the W3C using UTF-8 are even worse
from my POV (both with a pre-UTF-8 browser and otherwise, for
the latter I just don't have the required fonts).

                             Bye, Frank

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