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Re: Hyatt Taipei cancellation policy?

2011-08-24 18:10:28
On Wed, 2011-08-24 at 16:27 -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
"Dave" == Dave CROCKER <dhc(_at_)dcrocker(_dot_)net> writes:

    Dave> ps.  As a personal aside, I'll note that I've lobbied rather
    Dave> vigorously for venues that entail less travel effort, by
    Dave> eliminating the additional hop needed to get from a major hub.
    Dave> Note that that has gotten essentially zero support from the
    Dave> community.  The community has vigrously expressed a preference
    Dave> for "interesting" venues rather than ones that are chosen
    Dave> solely for logistics convenience.

Can you start by backing up the assertion  that the community has
vigrously expressed a preference for interesting venues?
I may just need a new IETF community:-)

I agree.  I think that there is a vocal minority that wants this.  I
don't think that community as a whole really cares.

We had this huge debate about the number of times (down to fractions of
times) to visit each area of the world so as to increase participation
and we then have locations that make it difficult to get to or expensive
or both and expensive to get to which limits participation.

I like Santa Clara, CA


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