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Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-12 14:07:32
Hi Margaret,
At 06:00 AM 3/11/2013, Margaret Wasserman wrote:
I've been thinking, for instance, that one thing we could add to our list of immediate actions is for IESG members to review their directorate membership and, if it makes sense, attempt to increase the diversity of their directorates. This would have two effects: the IESG would get better advice, and it would give the people they appoint more opportunity to interact with other senior IETF participants and demonstrate their abilities.

The directorate I know about has individuals from approximately ten countries. There are now a few women. It is not easy to find volunteers. The opportunity is there. The problem is that nobody steps forward.

I'll use the word "perspective" instead of diversity. If you ask me what it means, it means individuals who can bring in ideas, and who can look at problems from different angles, and who can get the work done.

I would set the target date for results as two years from today. The question I'll ask is what are the next steps?

S. Moonesamy