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Re: Issues in wider geographic participation

2013-05-27 07:18:08


        Also, it would be important that the "local" people/helpers could do an 
introduction to what it is the ietf, how to send comments in the remote 
participation, to the list, what's a WG etc. It may sound a bit bureaucratic, 
but if we want to have these remote people to start sending emails, comments, 
reviewing draft we need to break the "ice" somehow. It does not have to be 
extensive, a short intro could be enough.
        About a serious proposal, are you thinking in an I+D, wg or something 
coming from the IESG, IAOC?


On 27 May 2013, at 09:07, Dave Crocker wrote:

On 5/27/2013 1:52 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:
     About the remote hub I think it would be good to give it a try.

I'm increasingly intrigued by this idea.  It could be interesting to try to 
formulate a serious proposal for this, with enough detail to qualify as a 
functional specification.  The easy part is specifying audio/video streams 
support.  More challenging is to get the personal and personnel support 
figured out.

And should it have some means of assisting discussions outside of the 
bof/wg/plenary sessions?

What else?


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking